Friday, October 19, 2012

4. Please mummy, one more story

According to a survey, bedtime stories are dying out due to less attention span in todays children. Parents report that their children choose screen-based activities over reading or being read to. Also teachers report a decrease in attention spans, kids of today are used to flashing pictures on a screen that last only a few seconds. Children are no longer trained to attend an activity with the same concentration for long periods of time. Parents wait, sais the survey, with reading to their child when it is at least 2 years old. Not being read to and not being stimulated to read by themselves will eventually make them miss out on education and life in general. Kids who do read outside the lessons do better in exams and are 13 times more likely to read above the expected level for their age, according the survey.

Reading and being read to is a tool for a child to start understanding it's world. When a child starts reading it is so excited, a whole new world or dimension is opening up to them. They are now able to direct their life according to the new achieved ability. Not stimulating your child's reading skills is deliberately giving your child a lag in life. It's not a competition with screen based activities, it's simply giving up when the child enjoys their screen watching more. Parents do not try to see whether the child is stimulated by nice or exciting stories, since a screen based activity is convenient and asking less from the parent who is tired after coming home from their job.

This way parents enter a vicious cycle, they have to work a lousy 9 to 5 job, when coming home tired they are not capable of really stimulating their kids within reading. Which results in children that miss out on education through lower reading skills, miss out on their surroundings and have to find the same lousy job their parents do. Why would we provide those disastrous ingredients to our kids when life is already though on the younger generations? Why would we deliberately deprive them from the opportunity to grow in life and become a self responsible citizen of the world?

Reading skills are valuable for so many areas in life, not being able to effectively read is a real limitation for the human kind. One isn't able to investigate or explore it's world and cross-refence materials or experiences in full potential. That's why amongst other reasons, the third world as it is today, will not be able to stand up and be it's own voice. They are limited and restricted to use written words or better the living word for the betterment of Self and in the best interest of all. If I can read to my child before bedtime, then all mothers should be able to do so and money may NEVER be an issue within this equation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that reading skills for my child are essential and that I'm the one that need to act in order to get my child engaged in reading through reading to my child and later by stimulating and offering cool stories for my child to relate to to.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that it is in fact my responsibility to teach my child the value of reading by being the living example for my child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that my negative opinion about reading will be transferred onto my child and will have it's consequential outflow which then has to be walked in real time so that I'll get the message and no longer limit my child and loop within this point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that I do not read when I am tired from work and project these feelings onto my child thinking that my child will be too tired to listen to a bedtime story before going to sleep, setting an example and limiting my child within it's reading skills.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that it is easier for me to put my children in front of a screen and being able to do what I want, instead of combing my needs with the needs of my child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that there is a down side to only let my children do screen-based activities, which cannot easily be reversed since my child already then will be behind within it's reading development.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that I am able to give my child the ability to get used to reading and reading in general, while so many other mothers are not capable of doing so due to lack of money and therefore poor living circumstances.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that I am privileged to give my child a good start in life with reading skills, but not taking this opportunity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that my child is dependent on me and I have to act on behalf of my child till the moment my child is ready through the education I gave it to take self-responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that my opinion about reading and committing to my child is limiting my child as myself as the society I'm part of.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to feel guilty about the fact that I disadvantaged my child through not being up to the task to assist and support my child to become an effective human being.

I commit myself as a mother to see and understand the importance of reading skills for my child as a stap stone to become effective in life.

I commit myself as a mother to no longer put my self-interest in front of my child and no longer trivialize the value of reading skills.

I commit myself as a mother to see and understand that my tiredness when physical is real, but when of the mind and used as a justification is unacceptable behaviour towards my child when limiting my child's chances in life.

I commit myself as a mother to place the needs of my child in perspective according to my physical reality and not use my physical reality as a justification to abdicate my self-responsibility towards myself as Life.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

3. We are Life and therefore Life isn't ours.

Great Britain opens the abortion limit debate again, where on the one hand the survival rates shown in the ONS figures are used to open up the debate again for new legislation and on the other hand the question whether lowering the abortion limit of 24 weeks will save more premature life. Where organisations like "the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children" and the pro-life group "Life" are advocating the lowering of the abortion limit to 22 weeks of gestation. The SPUC says: "but the viability of unborn children should not be used as a guide for reforming the law on abortion. Viability is a criterion which varies from place to place in the country and from place to place in the world. Viability has nothing to do with the humanity of the child in the womb; it has everything to do with technological progress and the excellence and dedication of medical staff. A child's capacity to survive is not what makes him or her a human being." While experts say survival of very premature babies has not changed dramatically for twenty years and disability rates remain high in those who live.

The question to be asked is a far more basic question, the pro-life and mostly religious based groups and the law have both hidden agenda's that have nothing to do with saving Life. Saving Life as stepping in the shoes of Life and not stepping in the shoes of manipulating Life on behalf of our opinions and beliefs, is an entire different starting point. When emotions, feelings, fears and money are the hand that feeds us, we are no longer capable to determine whether we serve Life or trying to own Life.

When a child can be saved at the abortion limit instead of being aborted, lets look at the future this child will have. In the most favorable case the child will be mentally and physically healthy and ends up in foster care or being adopted into a stable family and lives a minimum of a year. This sounds almost like a fairy tale, because how many of the 5 babies born at less than 22 weeks gestation out of 247 born alive, will be living the most favorable scenario when living for at least a year? That's what we are talking about here, according to the figures, only 5 babies will make it for at least a year. In the least desirable situation the child is saved from abortion, but at the same time physically and mentally disabled, living it's few months of life in hospital. The SPUC talks about "the humanity of the child", where is the humanity of the child in this equation?

If science and we were all that great we would know on beforehand whether we would serve Life or not when bringing a child into this physical existence at the abortion limit. Since we decided that a child in Africa, South America or Asia is not worthy of Life and therefore has no chance to survive as 1 out of the 5 babies, we are still nowhere, when it comes to understanding that Life is and can't be manipulated for self-interested goals without any consequence. Life can be great, but would you want to swap life with the baby of the least desirable scenario, that was saved for the greatness of medicine, law or pro-life people? Will suffering and dying within a year, serve Life? Will it serve Life when medicine shows it is capable of keeping a baby alive even in the worst conditions? Will it serve Life when the law allows this baby to be born and not being aborted? Will it serve Life when the pro-life people can say they at least saved a life? You tell me if it is our job to decide over Life when we not even understand Life let alone our own Life. Wouldn't it be enough to use common sense in any given case of abortion where we act in the best interest of all, where decisions about Life are based on Life?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that my child's life when born under the abortion limit will be a life of struggle where actually living in all it's potential is impossible and therefore I have to decide for the child whether this life is worth living.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that my urge/longing for this child will possibly blind me in my decision whether I should keep my child alive on machines or let it rest in peace knowing the barbaric life it would have.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that being the mother of a premature life is having to take care of the life that I manifested through consequences and therefore I need to decide on behalf of my child in the best interest of all whether this child should be saved or aborted.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to fear to loose my child when it is born under the abortion limit.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to mentally break down by the thought of loosing my child not being able anymore to decide in the best interest of all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that I act from a point of self-interest when I want to keep my premature child fearing to loose that what I determine as mine and will do anything to keep it alive even if it isn't in the best interest of the child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that my child even when premature, is not my possession, I do not own it, it is Life that I may cherish, teach and learn from.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to put myself before Life and decide over Life from a point of emotion and feelings, not considering the whole and the consequences that come along with it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not care for Life when it comes to wanting to keep my premature child when I know the life it will have, saying that it will be though but the love for this child will heal it all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that loving a severe disabled child will not be enough to give the child a dignified life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that what is best for me is not automatically best for my premature child.

I commit myself as a mother to see/realise/understand that I'm not the center of my universe and I need to learn how to act in the best interest of all to see /realise /understand that my decisions about my premature child are not to be made from the point of possessing the child and not wanting to loose what is mine.

I commit myself as a mother to care for all Life and therefore make a decision about the life of my premature child that can stand the test of time and provide my child with a dignified life.

I commit myself as a mother to see/realise/understand that the love for my child will not make it's condition go away, which makes my love within that moment self-interested and a veil in order to make a decision in the best interest of all.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2. When physical abuse is the only answer that's left

In Dallas an almost 3 year old was glued with her hands to the wall and was hit multiple times by her pregnant mother of 5 over potty training. While the mother abused the child, the child urinated out of stress on herself. The toddler went into a temporary coma and was unconscious when her grandmother found her. The grandmother brought her grandchild to the hospital where the medical authorities observed the results of severe hitting on the head, which resulted in a severe brain damage that led to a coma, amongst kicking in the groin and other forms of physical abuse. The mother is charged with first-degree injury of a child and the prosecutors want the mother sentenced to 45 years in prison. All children of this mother are now in the custody of their grandmother.

We could ask ourselves what it takes to potty train a 2 year old and the answer certainly isn't physical abuse. To learn something to another human being we must be capable of stepping in the shoes of the other and we must be able to understand how we ourselves came to this learned ability. It takes patience of the mother/parent and many relapses of the child to be able to master the muscles of the bladder and the anus. Something we easily forget since it's like a natural thing to us, to urinate when we are on a toilet, yet it is learned behaviour.

Anybody that has been in distress or under severe physical or mental stress has experienced that this learned ability of cleanliness will be overruled by the body which is under stress. So this 2 year old is living with an overly stressed young mother, who is expecting a sixth child and not capable anymore of being patience, let alone stepping in the shoes of her child, that got irritated by the child that wasn't yet potty trained. That's a dangerous cocktail to take. The mother lost all senses to reality, thinking up the idea of gluing the child hands to the wall. That's evil, that's a pure evil mind at work and no one had seen it coming, since no one had done anything to change this household for the betterment of all. What mother hits her child this hard that the child will have brain damage for the rest of her life? A mother that doesn't care about herself and anybody around her as herself. This mother has given up on life and her child had to pay the price.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to hit the bottom of dispair while not realising that I am no longer the directive principle of my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that being a mother is always there, 24/7, the responsibility for a young and fragile life will not end when I think I cannot take it anymore.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to cross the lines of abuse as if it is normal and allowed when I do no longer take self-responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to feel as a failure and not capable of directing my life adequately.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that I'm disappointed with myself and not with my little girl that isn't yet able to be potty trained.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to fear this moment of rage that I accept and allow to rule my physical reality, while thinking that I'm not being able to stop it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to fear the beast that is within me and takes over when frustration and stress are too much.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to feel so powerless while not realising that I can ask for help and point out that I'm a threat for my children and need assistance and support to learn how to run my life as a mother.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not see any way to escape from the life I live, being constantly pregnant and having to feed more mouths is intimidating me, while I do not realise that I am the creator of my own life and the one that decided through reliving the mistakes from my past to make my future and current position in life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to feel guilt about not being able to stop abusing my children within the moment of abuse, feeling taken over by demons and not realising that I am my own demon and worst nightmare while not admitting this dark side of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that I am the living example of my children and with my abusive behaviour I teach them how to be abusive and how to maintain the sins of the fathers.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to be tired of all the pregnancies, physically and emotionally, and not realising that my desire for sex is stronger than me and the lust makes me totally irresponsible and losing all common sense while no longer directing my life as the directive principle.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to feel frustrated with myself when I do not accomplish that with my children what I had imagined I would be able to do.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to see the failure of my daughters potty training as a resistance to my authority from her side.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to see my daughter as evil when urinating in her pants and purposely punishing me for being her mother.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not know what I did wrong that I have a child that can't be potty trained under my conditions and wanting to cry as a victim of life and not realising that not life is punishing me but it is me who separated myself from life and is balancing from one polarity into the other to keep myself alive, while all along it is the mind that I keep alive while fearing to participate in real life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise how precious my children are and how much we can learn from each other, making life into a worthwhile journey to life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to fear the reflection my children give back to me and see them as evil instead of seeing that I'm face to face with the evil inside of me, hitting and kicking the evil out of my children while it still is me, the beast that abuses life as herself.

I commit myself as a mother to sort myself out before I ever lay my hands on my children again.

I commit myself as a mother to face the fears that are inside of me of which I now project onto my children to not having to take self-responsibility.

I commit myself as a mother to never abuse another being again and starting to understand my starting point for the abuse of others as a replacement for a punishment of myself.

I commit myself as a mother to understand and see why I loose my directive principle when being absorbed with rage and why I do take it out on my children.

I commit myself as a mother to stand as life and never allow and accept abuse ever again in my life or the lives of my children.

I commit myself as a mother to see life as a possibility to better myself and show my children what life is all about, instead of seeing life as a down warded spiral that takes me to the evil catacombs of life not seeing that also that is one of the poles of me while participating within polarity.

I commit myself as a mother to educate others about the evil that we accept and allow within us, while participating within the mind and not being able to really see life for what life is or can be and therefore pass this evil on to the generations to come.

I commit myself as a mother to never mistake my frustration and limitations for the limitations and disobedience of my child.

I commit myself as a mother to enjoy life as a mother with my children instead of seeing it as a routine, disappointment, frustration and failure.

Monday, October 8, 2012

1. Paying the price of your parent's mistakes

A family drama took place in the Australian city of Brisbane where 4 young sisters were taken to the airport by federal officers to be reunited with their Italian father in Italy. The Australian mother had 2 years ago taken the sisters on a holiday to Australia and never brought them back to Italy again. An Australian judge ordered that the sisters had to be returned to Europe. The 4 sisters didn't like the idea of going back to their father and live with him in Italy, they wanted to stay with their mum in Australia. The girls screamed, kicked and cried for their mum when being taken away by federal officers. The father had won a court battle under the provisions of the Hague Convention against child abduction and there was no way the sisters could stay with their mum in Australia.

So should we, as parents, all stay together for the sake of our children? No, growing up between the fights of your parents where no real warmth is found isn't exactly a stimulating environment for a child to grow up in. We simply have to go back in time, to answer this question. When 2 people meet and the chemistry is felt, it doesn't mean that this energy based in feelings and emotions, is a succes ingredient for a stunning relationship. The energy will eventually run out and you're left with the consequences of making choices based on this energy. When love is experienced and it is the motivator of your relationship, it is a matter of time to wait and see the love turn into fear, till the point that you will hate each other while not realising that we're only capable of hating ourselves and the other as ourselves through the eyes of ourselves. Staying in an abusive relationship is never a healthy thing to do, with kids being involved it's like spreading a disease and not knowing when it will reoccur.

When our parents are incapable of communicating effectively, the relationship will not stand and we, as a child, will be incapable of communicating effectively ourselves. When equals within a relationship are able to walk in each other's shoes, one is capable of realising and understanding whether behaviour is abusive and when it's not. So please don't make your children re-live the mistakes you made by leading them by example.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that my children will pay for the mistakes that I make in the life I share with them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise the importance of my role as a mother, thinking I can do as I please, not seeing/understanding that my children will follow/copy my behaviour uncensored and they will carry my burdens/mistakes in life with them throughout their lives as unresolved puzzles.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that when my relationship turns from love into the fear for each other and eventually ends up in hating each other, it is the result of believing in the mind energy of love and acting upon it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that when my relationship with my husband turns bad it has a ripple effect on the relationship with my children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that by making my children to choose one parent over the other I'm giving them a learning ground in how to manipulate for their own gain, since they see me fight for my own self-interest as a living example.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that when I split up with the father of my children I force my children to choose me over their father, out of fear to loose the children as a point of pure self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to fear loosing my children and not knowing who I am anymore without my children, as if I loose myself along with loosing my children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that by hating my partner and fighting with my partner I send out the message to my children that unconditional love can be gone from one day to the other and therefore accepting and allowing my children to live in fear to loose my unconditional love as a real threat in their minds.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that the competition I am in with my ex-husband to win over the children is teaching them how to play me against my partner and the other way around, making excellent (future) manipulators out of them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that being in competition with my partner is acting from the ego and therefore dishonest and self-deception.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to fear that my ex-husband will win/have the children and therefore I have to make sure he will not be able to get them and keep them away from me, not realising that I'm doing the same to him as what I fear the most.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to hate my ex-husband so much that I do not want my children to be with him and I'm willing to take my children physically away from my ex-husband risking to violate the law out of fear that I will never see my children again.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to fear not seeing my children ever again when I give into the whims of my ex-husband.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to be totally absorbed with the fear to loose my children and therefore loose my purpose in life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to feel myself as the victim while I abducted the children in the first place.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that I myself have been staging the whole drama that took place with my children when they were taken away from me, through acting upon my fear to loose my children forever.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that it was greediness that made me decide to take the children away from their father in order to have the children, like a possession/product, all for myself without my non-functional relationship being in the way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to see my children as something that belongs to me, as a right to have the children as mine due to being their mother.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise the inequality I place myself, my ex-husband and my children in when I see myself as the one that should have the children and the one that may decide over the children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to not realise that when my partner and I are one voice towards the children in common sense as life, in the best interest of all, it doesn't matter whether I am separate/together from/with my partner.

I commit myself as a mother to see and understand that my life has turned out this way, because I created it this way by holding on to the past and acting upon my memories.

I commit myself as a mother to no longer see my children as my possession, but instead see and understand what they need and how we can complete each other by learning from each other.

I commit myself as a mother to no longer identify myself with my role as mother and no longer make my tasks as a mother into a character that creates believes to such an extend that I'll do anything to not loose myself as a mother while perceiving that no longer being a mother equals death, instead of the death of a character.

I commit myself as a mother to no longer abuse my role as a mother to accept and allow myself to act within greediness/self-interest.

I commit myself as a mother to restore all the miscommunication and see in common sense on which grounds we can meet each other as being genetically connected with each other and I will aspire to seek ways where we, in the best interest of all, can be in each others lives without fearing each other, but instead learning from each other as life.