Friday, October 19, 2012

4. Please mummy, one more story

According to a survey, bedtime stories are dying out due to less attention span in todays children. Parents report that their children choose screen-based activities over reading or being read to. Also teachers report a decrease in attention spans, kids of today are used to flashing pictures on a screen that last only a few seconds. Children are no longer trained to attend an activity with the same concentration for long periods of time. Parents wait, sais the survey, with reading to their child when it is at least 2 years old. Not being read to and not being stimulated to read by themselves will eventually make them miss out on education and life in general. Kids who do read outside the lessons do better in exams and are 13 times more likely to read above the expected level for their age, according the survey.

Reading and being read to is a tool for a child to start understanding it's world. When a child starts reading it is so excited, a whole new world or dimension is opening up to them. They are now able to direct their life according to the new achieved ability. Not stimulating your child's reading skills is deliberately giving your child a lag in life. It's not a competition with screen based activities, it's simply giving up when the child enjoys their screen watching more. Parents do not try to see whether the child is stimulated by nice or exciting stories, since a screen based activity is convenient and asking less from the parent who is tired after coming home from their job.

This way parents enter a vicious cycle, they have to work a lousy 9 to 5 job, when coming home tired they are not capable of really stimulating their kids within reading. Which results in children that miss out on education through lower reading skills, miss out on their surroundings and have to find the same lousy job their parents do. Why would we provide those disastrous ingredients to our kids when life is already though on the younger generations? Why would we deliberately deprive them from the opportunity to grow in life and become a self responsible citizen of the world?

Reading skills are valuable for so many areas in life, not being able to effectively read is a real limitation for the human kind. One isn't able to investigate or explore it's world and cross-refence materials or experiences in full potential. That's why amongst other reasons, the third world as it is today, will not be able to stand up and be it's own voice. They are limited and restricted to use written words or better the living word for the betterment of Self and in the best interest of all. If I can read to my child before bedtime, then all mothers should be able to do so and money may NEVER be an issue within this equation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that reading skills for my child are essential and that I'm the one that need to act in order to get my child engaged in reading through reading to my child and later by stimulating and offering cool stories for my child to relate to to.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that it is in fact my responsibility to teach my child the value of reading by being the living example for my child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that my negative opinion about reading will be transferred onto my child and will have it's consequential outflow which then has to be walked in real time so that I'll get the message and no longer limit my child and loop within this point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that I do not read when I am tired from work and project these feelings onto my child thinking that my child will be too tired to listen to a bedtime story before going to sleep, setting an example and limiting my child within it's reading skills.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that it is easier for me to put my children in front of a screen and being able to do what I want, instead of combing my needs with the needs of my child.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that there is a down side to only let my children do screen-based activities, which cannot easily be reversed since my child already then will be behind within it's reading development.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that I am able to give my child the ability to get used to reading and reading in general, while so many other mothers are not capable of doing so due to lack of money and therefore poor living circumstances.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that I am privileged to give my child a good start in life with reading skills, but not taking this opportunity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that my child is dependent on me and I have to act on behalf of my child till the moment my child is ready through the education I gave it to take self-responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise as a mother that my opinion about reading and committing to my child is limiting my child as myself as the society I'm part of.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as a mother to feel guilty about the fact that I disadvantaged my child through not being up to the task to assist and support my child to become an effective human being.

I commit myself as a mother to see and understand the importance of reading skills for my child as a stap stone to become effective in life.

I commit myself as a mother to no longer put my self-interest in front of my child and no longer trivialize the value of reading skills.

I commit myself as a mother to see and understand that my tiredness when physical is real, but when of the mind and used as a justification is unacceptable behaviour towards my child when limiting my child's chances in life.

I commit myself as a mother to place the needs of my child in perspective according to my physical reality and not use my physical reality as a justification to abdicate my self-responsibility towards myself as Life.

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